Jul 3, 2008

My $50 at YouSayToo

You've heard me talk about YouSayToo in my other blog. It's been a couple of weeks since I joined the program. I got my instant $50 just for signing up. It wasn't sent to my Paypal account yet, as I needed another $50 to make $100 and cash out. I was able to get few referrals but they were not credited to me yet because I need active referrals to get paid. Every referral I bring can give me either $5 or $8. But they must be active, that is they must make post or write their journals at yousaytoo. But none of my referrals are active. How I wish they'd write their journals!

My YouSaytoo Stats

click to enlarge

Aside from the possible earnings from yousaytoo, I am also after the exposure of my blog/s and backlinks. If you write your journal, you can also include your urls. This is in addition to your profile page which also has your blog url.

Joining YouSayToo actually has two benefits: money and blog exposure! I'd appreciate you joining the site using my referral. Join the site here!



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