Mar 29, 2009

What to Do When Google Penalizes Your Blog?

What to do when google gives your blog a penalty?

I'm so experienced with this, I should say. I've been blogging for over 2 years already. I've got some blogs which got penalized? Sometimes I don't really understand why. Here's the thing, when your blog gets a penalty from google there's no way to find out why? Google won't email you and tell you it decides to drop your blog from the SERP because you did this or that. No, that's not the case. When a penalty is served on you, there's no explanation given. So what to do?

First is to accept the hard truth. It's there. You need to accept it.

Second, is to scrutinize your blog or website and try to figure out what exactly have you done that could possibly have triggered the penalty? Sudden increase in links pointing to your blog perhaps after you made tons of link exchanges or perhaps you over promoted your blog? Or maybe you linked to wrongs sites. Or perhaps there's a virus or malware in your site that is dangerous to your visitors? or perhaps you're guilty of keyword stuffing and spamming?

Third is to rectify your mistakes. After figuring out what went wrong, undo the changes, correct your mistakes.

Fourth is to wait. Once you've corrected your lapses you can sit back and wait for google to reindex your site or remove the penalty. Waiting may mean few days, few weeks, months or years. That's the hardest part- the waiting. But that's what we get doing something bad, right. Consequences are something we have to deal with.

If waiting is killing you, you can file a reinclusion request to google or ask google for you Page Rank back if that's the case. But still you need to wait. I don't recommend this one. This should be the last and final option.

Now, what if you think you did nothing wrong to deserve the penalty say PR Drop or SERP drop. You can think of a few things, one is GOOGLE dance, GOOGLE PR Update, or SERP Changes, or you might want to think that GOOGLE erroneously gave your blog a penalty. However way you think of it, your blog is in serious trouble. So again you go back to the waiting period. Wait till GOOGLE embraces you again!

But remember that despite all the penalty, you can continue blogging, building links but this time be extra careful. One more option which I recommend is start a new blog or website. A penalty may signal the birth of a new website.




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