Jan 27, 2009

Ways to Increase Your Adsense ECPM!

How do you increase your adsense ecpm?

If you run adsense on your website or blog, a good ecpm is very important. I'm not expert when it comes to increasing adsense ecpm because I myself am still having problems increasing my ecpm. ECPM still fluctuates at tremendous difference at times. Nonetheless, I have a few tips to share, tips I use myself although the results may not always be satisfactory.

Increase adsense ecpm by:

1. Including high paying keywords in the blog post (for example of keywords I think pay high are banks, bank accounts, credit cards, savings)

2. Minimize adsense blocks on your website. So instead of putting 3 large squares you can put only 2. The theory behind is that less is more with adsense. The lesser block ads you raise the competition among advertisers for the advertising spot. And with the theory that google places high paying ads first then doing this lessens the chances of getting those low paying ads.

3. Remove ads from pages with low clicks or CTR. Smart pricing can affect your site. Websites not performing well in adsense can drag down your other well performing websites. So you may want to try and experiment with this.

4. Try to get organic traffic more. Organic traffic is targeted and should likely convert well.

5. Change the colors and ad sizes your adsense ads once in a while. I noticed increase in ECPM if I change my ad colors and sizes.

6. Remove the adsense ads for a few minutes in your blog then put them back later. I do use this trick at times but I'm not so sure with the results. But it's worth a try for it may trigger the appearance of other ads (hopefully high paying).

7. Add other competition for adsense, like chitika. According to some bloggers online, when they place chitika along with adsense they saw increase in ecpm. I have tried this method but it's too early to conclude. But it's worth the try.

That's all for now about increasing adsense ecpm. Before doing any experimentation in order to increase your adsense earnings, refresh your memory first about Google Adsense Policies. Read the Adsense policies and be safe.



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