Jul 4, 2009

Should You Get a Personal, Premier or Business Paypal Account?

Should you get a personal paypal account or a premier paypal account or perhaps a business paypal account? The answer depends on your needs.

Personal Paypal Account is a very limited one. Aside from being able to receive money there are basically only five features of this account and these are:
  1. Send Money
  2. 24-hour fraud surveillance
  3. Customer Service Availability
  4. eBay Tools (Limited)
  5. Merchant Services (Limited)
  • NO FEE for receiving money!

Premier Paypal Account stands in the middle and is most appropriate for those who run their businesses online or those who have websites and receive money occasionally in their paypal accounts. This account also entitles you to accept credit and debit cards payment. Here are the features of this account:

  1. Send Money
  2. 24-hour fraud surveillance
  3. Customer Service Availability
  4. eBay Tools
  5. Merchant Services
  6. Accept credit or debit cards
  7. PayPal Debit Card
  • With FEE for receiving money

Business Paypal Account on one hand differs from the Premier Paypal Account only in terms of the Multi User Access feature, but all other features are the same.
  1. Send Money
  2. 24-hour fraud surveillance
  3. Customer Service Availability
  4. eBay Tools
  5. Merchant Services
  6. Accept credit or debit cards
  7. PayPal Debit Card
  8. Multi-user access
  • With FEE for receiving money

Members can have two paypal accounts, but there must be unique email addresses and financial information for each paypal account.

Paypal is safe but the dangers of getting your account hacked is there. So be very very extra careful. Don't sign up for Paypal Account in internet cafes or from someone else's laptop unless you are 100% sure it's safe.

Also the Paypal Website contains the "https://". TAKE NOTE of the "s" at the end. If you want to sign up for Paypal now, you can use my referral link- https://www.paypal.com/row/mrb/pal=R9SDAJGCUTFLC or if you want the active link - Sign Up for Paypal!

If you are having troubles with the steps, EXPUSE NUMBER, etc, then take the time to read my earlier post on How To Apply For Paypal. If you still need help, email me.



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